TALKING POINTS 1. How would passage of this bill benefit you and your family? Briefly explain. 2. Raw milk is a healthy, nutrient rich food with a good track record for safety. According to at least one study, the number of illnesses attributed to raw milk consumption has declined as demand for the product has increased. 3. Passage of SF 315 will keep more of the food dollar in the state economy. With the sale of raw milk being legal in all of Iowa’s bordering states, there are lost revenues. 4. Passage of SF 315 would enable family farmers to make a better living. Raw milk in other states is often the product that first draws the consumer to set foot on the farm leading to sales of other foods such as meat, poultry, eggs, and produce. 5. The bill supports consumer choice. Like citizens of other states, Iowans should be able to access the products of their choice in Iowa rather than crossing state lines. |