Subject: ACTION ALERT: Act Now for NH Raw Milk! Hearing March 19, 2024!

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New Hampshire Raw Milk
Hearing Is Tuesday, Mar. 19, 2024!

Dear Friend,

New Hampshire House Bill 1574 removes daily volume restrictions on raw milk, and dairy products made with raw milk that can be sold off the farm or at approved venue.

Current law restricts sales of raw milk to 20 gallons per day, or raw milk products made from 20 gallons or less per day. It also restricts the sale of dairy products to 6 oz. packages.

The bill will be heard in Executive Session on Thursday, Mar. 19, 10:30 a.m. at the Legislative Office Building 301-303.

Bill sponsors are all Republican. The bill sponsors are Rep. Michael Granger [R], Rep. Leah Cushman [R], Rep. Lex Berezhny [R], and Rep. Jacob Brouillard [R].


Action Step #1

Contact your representative! Tell them to vote "YES" on House Bill 1574.
Find Your NH Representative.

Action Step #2

Contact members of the Environment and Agricultural Committee and tell them you support House Bill 1574.
See Members of NH Environmental and Agricultural Committee.

Action Step #3

Spread the word! Send this Action Alert email to your NH friends, families, and customer list.


1. HB 1574 would increase consumer freedom of choice by expanding access to raw dairy products in NH.

2. HB 1574 would enable independent farmers to make a better living by lifting the volume restrictions on raw dairy and raw dairy products.

3. HB 1574 would keep more food dollars in local communities with the increase in locally-produced foods consumers can obtain.

Bills like HB 1574 increase #foodfreedom! Please join us and spread the word about the importance of fair food and farming legislation.

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director, FTCLDF

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