Subject: 2024 FTCLDF Member Survey Results Are In! Act Now to Make Your Fund Even Stronger

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2024 Member Survey Results Are In!
Act Now to Make Your Fund Even Stronger

Dear Friend,

Thank you to all the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF) members who participated in our recent member survey. Your response helps us to better serve you. Our members are made up of farmers, homesteaders, cottage food and beverage producers, food buying clubs, and concerned consumers.

We learned from the 2024 FTCLDF Member Survey that many of you would like to see more stories about the types of legal issues your fellow farmers deal with and solutions for those problems, including how we defended our members in court. We will bring you more of those stories in the future. Be sure to follow our regular Hotline Blotter for a summary of the types of legal matters we regularly work on for members.

2024 FTCLDF Member Survey Results Show Dairy, Cottage Foods, and Meats Top Farmer Concerns

2024 Member Survey Replies

According to the survey, our members’ top three favorite member benefits are:

  • Possible legal representation if there is a court case on matters that are within FTCLDF’s mission statement.

  • Unlimited consultation with attorneys after the first six months of membership on matters within the mission statement. Up to two hours of consultation with an attorney immediately upon joining.

  • Use of toll-free 24/7 emergency hotline to speak with an attorney if there is a surprise visit or inspection.

Legal issues faced by our members were reported in this order:

  • Dairy regs: 54%

  • Cottage food restrictions: 36%

  • Meat processing limitations: 35%

  • Finding meat processors: 26%

  • Poultry processing limitations: 22%

  • Zoning issues: 20%

  • H5N1 Impacts: 18%

  • Other: 7%

Other production concerns included livestock guardian dogs, selling meats via a butchery, grant assistance, herbicide runoff and overspray, and desired access to livestock sales contract templates.

Compared to last year, members reported that 25% are thriving; 14% are struggling; 40% are similarly situated; 21% Other. Compare that with the 2022-member survey,.....

Read the full 2024 FTCLDF Member Survey Results

Maine Food Freedom Fundraiser
Is Sept. 26, 2024 in Portland, Me.

We have active litigation in Maine regarding food sovereignty  in that state and are awaiting a judge’s decision on FTCLDF’s "Motion for Injunctive Relief and the State’s Motion to Dismiss."

This litigation has been a lengthy process, and we are certain that it is nowhere near being over. To support these efforts in Maine, we plan to hold a fundraiser Sept. 26, 2024. The fundraiser t will be held at Rising Tide Brewery in Portland Me. 

If you have any ideas of potential contributors or sponsors to the event, or are interested in being involved, please reach out to

Please keep in mind that when there is success in one state, that state's food freedom laws can serve as a model elsewhere.

Give today for Food Freedom!


If you are not yet a member, please join us today! Forward this email to spread the word about the importance of fair food and farming legislation. Thank you for taking action now!

In good health,

Alexia Kulwiec
Executive Director, FTCLDF

One minute is all it takes to process your $10, $20, $50, or $100 gift to
Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund.  

Questions? Visit us on the web at
or call our offices at (703) 208-FARM (3276).

We invite you to follow us on social media for the latest updates.

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