Subject: {Flourish eZine} My New Found Love

May 23, 2014 | Volume I, Issue 5
I finally took the plunge and I love it
I've been avoiding video.

Confession time, I guess I've been a bit of a hypocrite because I advise my clients to do video. Video allows the viewer to get to know you in a way that print can't do.

I could name a million reasons why I've been avoiding video but I won't, let's just say I am a perfectionist.

I have been invited to do Google Hangouts, Skype meetings, video interviews, etc. and have turned them down because...I didn't want to do video.

So when I got the invitation to do a webinar training via Google Hangouts from Michelle at BizMums, I had a huge decision to make.

Do I continue to turn down opportunities that will allow me to get my message out to the world? Or do I just go for it?  I chose to go for it and guess what?

I discovered that I LOVE VIDEO! Yes, the one thing I was reluctant to take a chance on, is now the thing I can't wait to do again.

So my question to you is, what's holding you back from upleveling in your business?

I encourage you to step into it this week. Don't give it much thought just get out there, you might just find out that you love it.

Maybe you're worried about negative comments, what other people think, etc.

I read a wonderful blog post by Frank Viola this week entitled "Haters Gonna Hate", go check it out below and get out there this week!
{Article} Should You Worry About Competition?
Don't shy away from a niche you'd like to get involved in just because you see the competition is plentiful. All that means is that you have a good idea and it's a proven moneymaker according to how many others want a part of that pie too.

Competition is a good thing because it can also prove the track record of a niche. What you want to do is bring something to the table within that niche that your competition is not offering.

For example, plenty of companies jumped on the bandwagon after the Kindle was released and began to offer protective cases in a variety of designs and colors to the public who purchased the Kindle and other electronic devices.

However, one company decided to create a niche with safety from theft in mind and created a cover that resembles an old book - protecting the Kindle from scratches and from the view of would be thieves as well. They took a niche and narrowed it down and charged ahead of the competition and are now making plenty in profits.

Any product that is specifically focused will always beat out the competition. If you want to work a niche on weight loss, you'll discover that the weight loss niche is saturated with websites, books and other products dedicated to the topic.

It's easy for consumers to get what's called blind eye when it comes to anything new on the weight loss scene because of that over saturation. So what you would do is take the topic of weight loss and narrow it down to only one small aspect of the weight loss topic.

You could narrow it down by focusing only on organic weight loss products or information. You could also narrow it down by targeting only women who've given birth and now want to lose weight and get back to pre-pregnancy shape.

The trick is to take an old topic and give it a fresh twist. Think of all the magazine headlines that you read. You never see a new topic - just a fresh twist on what's already been around for centuries.

This is the part where doing your homework pays off. Once youíve selected the niche that interests you, research all the competition on that niche. What are they offering? What audience are they targeting? Which audience is being left out? How can you take that niche and make it more valuable to the consumer?

One way to discover what people are looking for in a niche is by doing keyword research. You can find free keyword tools online and go through the keywords that your audience uses when searching for information about the topic. That may help give you ideas on how to narrow your focus for your niche.

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Let's put our heads together!

Is your income inconsistent because you can't seem to figure out how to get clients and you're ready for a more consistent strategy?

you tired of working for hour after hour because you're busy trying the next tip or DIY method for business building? 

Do you  feel like you're running in circles because you can't figure out what to do first?

I have 3 spots available next Tuesday to help you strategize your marketing plan, online lead generation and sales strategy so you can get more clients consistently...without spending extra time chasing them down. 

I only have 1 spot left, these sessions are only available to business owners who are:
  • Committed to doing what it takes to see change;
  • Ready to take massive action to double their revenue this year;
  • Open to new, advanced strategies that will change the way they currently do business.
Is that you? Then click the button below to schedule your FREE 30 Minute Strategy Session...
Bold New Biz, Box 3422 Penn Estates, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, United States
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