Subject: A confession and a lesson

May 8, 2014 | Volume I, Issue 3
My big oops and a lesson for us all...
I made a huge mistake, did you catch it?

I'm so embarrased. I sent a subscriber only message to you earlier this week and which had a glaring grammar mistake.

I used the word "hear" instead of "here".  Oops. The fact that you are still here with me tells me that you realize I'm human, know I usually deliver quality content and that you gave me a pass. And for that I thank you.

There is a lessons for all us in my mistake. 

Lesson #1 Tell Them You Messed Up

The first thing you need to do when you realize you messed up is make a public declaration. Chances are others noticed it too and they know you're human. There is transparency in acknowledgement.  Your tribe wants you to be open with them.  If it's a mistake and you can fix, then fix it. If you can't just apologize and keep on moving.

Lesson #2 Slow Down

I usually proofread and then proofread again. However, I've been burning the candle at both ends (working on a super secret project for you) and failed to check things again before I hit send.

It's a good policy to have a second set of eyes take a look at whatever you're sending out, if you can.

One place you have to be cautious about before hitting send is social media.  You really don't get another chance to correct an error on any social media before people do screenshots and start sending them around, so be mindful.

Which reminds me, did you check out the blog post this week? I shared an infographic on "How To Turn Your Social Media Followers into Customers", I can tell you for sure, it's not with grammar errors! 
{Article} 3 Simple Ways to Come Up With Fresh New Content
Coming up with fresh content to share with your readers can seem like a chore. The truth is it doesn't have to be. I'm going to show you creative content tips to make it a littel easier for you. 

#1 Find Your Voice
Fresh content needs to sound unique. Add your voice to a hot topic for your industry right now to give even a common story a new twist. Remember, your voice is tied closely to your personality. It can be funny, wry, controversial, overtly friendly, authoritative and so on. Your voice should also be unique and appeal to your niche audience.

#2 Unique Perspective

Make sure that in addition to creating content that offers a unique voice, it also offers a unique perspective. For example, many people can write a "how to" article. And chances are that most people will include some form of the same content  specially if you're talking about how to do something specific. However, you can create the same "how to" article and add your own flair and perspective.

#3 Make It Current

Fresh content is content that discusses new topics. It doesn't rehash the same old topics, and if it does it provides new information. Make sure that your content addresses the latest information, technology, data, and resources or trends so that it is unique and valuable to your reader.

There are of course a few tips to help you provide unique, current, and valuable content to your readers. The first tip is to pay attention to what your readers respond to. Pay attention to your analytics, feedback, comments and other useful audience information.

Second, stay on top of industry news. Make sure you're subscribed to every newsworthy and valuable blog, magazine, and ezine in your industry. Itís a lot to read, but even just skimming the headlines youíll come up with hundreds of potential fresh article topics.

Finally, be consistent. Create a plan for your content that includes topics/headlines, content format, voice, purpose and publishing schedule. If you can provide a consistent stream of valuable and interesting content to your readers, you'll be on top of your niche in no time.

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Let's put our heads together!

Is your income inconsistent because you can't seem to figure out how to get clients and you're ready for a more consistent strategy?

you tired of working for hour after hour because you're busy trying the next tip or DIY method for business building? 

Do you  feel like you're running in circles because you can't figure out what to do first?

I have 3 spots available next Tuesday to help you strategize your marketing plan, online lead generation and sales strategy so you can get more clients consistently...without spending extra time chasing them down. 

I only have 3 spots available, so these sessions are only available to business owners who are:
  • Committed to doing what it takes to see change;
  • Ready to take massive action to double their revenue this year;
  • Open to new, advanced strategies that will change the way they currently do business.
Is that you? Then click the button below to schedule your FREE 30 Minute Strategy Session...
Bold New Biz, Box 3422 Penn Estates, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, United States
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