Subject: Where To Start When Starting A Dojo...


Well, I had this really cool email message written for you today about partnerships, and why you should avoid them like the plague...

But I forgot to save it and accidentally hit the wrong combination of keys on my keyboard. You can guess what happened next.

So, today I'm sending you this shameless plug for my stuff instead.

Oh, suck it up. I send a ton of useful info to you for free each and every week. The least you can do in return is hear my pitch. It's shocking, I know... but I don't write this newsletter every day out of the sheer goodness of my heart.

Nope. I write it because *GASP!* doing so gets people to buy my stuff.

What's really funny to me is that I can send out a detailed series of messages and give away a ton of valuable info, and I'll see my subscriber list steadily increase while I'm sending out those emails...

...and then the moment I send out an email promoting my books and resources, BAM! I get a half-dozen unsubscribes.

It makes me chuckle every time that happens, but I really don't mind. Why? Well if you think about it, those people were never going to become my customers anyway.

Speaking of which, occasionally school owners DO want to buy my stuff, and they contact me to ask me what product or resource they should buy based on their current situation. 

After regularly answering such emails for a few years, I finally got smart and wrote a little guide to help school owners know where to start with all the stuff I've written.

And yeah, it's so I can sell more stuff to my subscriber list. Duh. That's kind of what running a business is all about--that and serving the needs of your customers. 

Well, this is how I serve the needs of my customers, AND make some scratch in the process. So, if you're curious about the martial arts business resources I offer and you want to know which ones might be of use to you, check out the page below.

Until next time,

Mike Massie

Quick-start Guide to My Books and Resources:
- Looking for a list of books and resources I've written? Click here! 
- Starting a dojo? Wondering where to start? Click here...
Looking for low-cost business coaching to grow your dojo? Click here…

P.S. - I'm going to rewrite that message on partnerships again, because it's a good message that I think everyone needs to hear. And I'm going to write my messages offline in Word (with autosave turned on) from here on out. After 13 years of writing this newsletter, you'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now...

P.S.S. - And no, I don't act all coy about selling to you. I figure you're smart enough to realize that I have to sell stuff to keep the free services I offer going. I'm just being totally transparent here, because I think it's a good way run a business and also because I respect your intelligence. Now, if that offends anyone, they should stop advertising their martial arts school and start teaching for free, immediately.
MD Marketing LLC, PO Box 682, Dripping Springs, Texas 78620, United States
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