Subject: Physical or Digital?

Dear friends and lyricists,

I normally try to include only one podcast to listen to a month. This month I decided to include two because they both present differing views on what seems to be an ongoing debate about the best format to sell music: physical or digital. Both podcasts present real world examples of musicians making money in one format or the other. I think it depends a lot on the audience. Is streaming revenue enough to provide for an average musician? Are people still buying CD's? Take a listen and let me know what you think.

Quote of the Month
"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions."

- Oliver Wendell Holmes

Article to Push Your Songwriting

Video Worth Watching
Out of ideas for lyrics? Try writing gibberish. This song was written by Andriano Celentano (an Italian) and is intended to sound like an American speaking English, but is mostly gibberish.

Podcasts Worth Hearing

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Happy Lyric Writing,
- Nic Lubbers
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Nic Lubbers, 2811 4th St NW, 44708, Canton, United States
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