Subject: [Members Update] Possible Service Resume Dates...

[Members Update] Possible Service Resume Dates...

April 16th, 2020 at 2:36 pm BST

There have been two recent developments with regard to the return of British and Irish Racing, as follows: 1. The BHA have extended the suspension of racing in Britain, with no exact dates provided but with "hopes to resume at some point in May". Ful ...

From BHA To USA...

April 16th, 2020 at 9:26 am BST

Aside from all the "count me in" messages I continue to receive for our brand new business venture (full details to come early next week - stay tuned!), the next most popular request has been all about Horse Racing overseas... While the BHA have just ...

Does Every Cloud Have A Silver Lining? ...

April 4th, 2020 at 10:00 am BST

With all that's going on at the moment, it's very easy to become worried and fearful about the future... With that being said, I'm a firm believer that "keeping calm and carrying on" is the way to go in times of crisis like this. Here's why... 1. Fea ...