Subject: You Know What My Problem Is Friend? ...

It happened when I received an email containing this:

"The only evidence I want is proof BEFORE a days racing, not just the results after."

And you know my problem? I'm a die-hard people pleaser...

So as I was rushing off to record yet another video, this time of me placing today's bets...

I remembered I'd already recorded this exact process in the "placing your bets" tutorial I created for our members...

And that's what I'd like to share with you right now. I've called it...

Now, unless you've had your head in the sand for the past week, you'll have noticed I've been gradually stacking up more and more evidence of just how effective this service is...

Over 22 months worth of proofing, all the case studies and testimonials, footage of my betting account history, and finally this live "day in the life" walkthrough...

In other words, my job is now complete!

I've now done everything I possibly can to show you how incredibly profitable The Racing Portfolio is... 

...and how incredible the transformation will be for you when you join.

If you're not convinced by now, you probably never will be...

The fact of the matter is, every single succesful punter I know ACTS when a genuine opportunity to profit presents itself...

And while there's plenty of fun to be had chancing a 50/1 shot at the Grand National, or betting 6-fold footy accas every Saturday...

You're NOT going to come out on top from this in the long run...

At the end of the day, if you want to make your betting profitable you have to go where the profit is...

And THIS is it. Well researched strategies that account for all the nuances of the sport, and have been fully tested in the real world...

...and value-based selections that provide you with a substantial betting income at the end of each year.

It may not be as glamorous as the next "win-thousands-every-week" scheme doing the rounds...

...but it's concrete, reliable, and it works. Period.

So all that's left for you to do now, is decide which kind of punter you want to be? ...

I hope this helps you make the right decision before it's too late!

Lucrative Racing

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