Subject: Watch My "Million Method" Walkthrough This Weekend (Because It's Coming Down In A Few Days...)

I hope you've enjoyed our first glimpse of the flat racing season yesterday!

As I'm sure you already know, I just shared my one and only free walkthrough of my most profitable betting method on Monday, and over 3,000 people have watched it, which was definitely a new record for me... 

So THANK YOU to all of you who took the time to give it a watch, and for the great feedback I've been getting from you this week. 

If you haven't had a chance to watch it yet, I wanted to encourage you to do so this weekend because I'm taking the video down on Thursday. (Click here to watch it now. No Opt-in required). 

You'll learn how to find profitable bets on demand using the same method that the most succesful bettors in the world use, and I'll even show you the formula that will give you a guaranteed betting income every single year. 

This is "professional grade" training on how to profit from your betting that you won't find anywhere else, so take the time to get it while you still can.

All the best,


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