Subject: Turning the storm into clear skies...

How to reduce and prevent losing periods, period.
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Hi again Friend,

We had another welcome winner yesterday, so it appears the losing run for Daily Win Tips has definately come to an end. In fact, a couple more winners at decent odds over the last week of October, and we'll end up in profit for the month!

The purpose of today's email is to show how we can overcome losing periods by using several betting strategies in parallel to each other i.e a betting portfolio. 

Longer term members of our mailing list will know that I like discuss betting portfolio's often - I find it hard not to seeing as this is how I went from a losing punter to a successful one. 

In my amateur days I would would simply pick one system / service, pile all my money into it, and either lose it (mainly because I hadn't researched the product fully before starting), or when I hit a losing run would get scared, quit, and move onto the next.

Over time, however, I found that by using several strategies it didn't matter I if picked up one or two dud products along the way, because their losses would be covered by the profits from the rest.

Once I'd weeded out the duds, I could then cover one strategies losing run with the winning run from another, and therefore prevent a loss overall. 

A perfect example of this would be to look at the Daily Win Tips performance this month:

Bets: 19
Wins: 2
Profit / Loss: -17 points

And compare it to the performance of my Lucrative Portfolio betting service so far in October (combination of three betting services including Daily Win Tips):

Place Bet Profits: 
Bets: 16
Wins: 14
Profit / Loss: +13.4 points

Lay The Favourite:
Bets: 23
Wins: 21
Profit / Loss: +45.7 points

After subtracting the loss from DWT, we are still left with a 42.1 point profit - £421 to mere £10 stakes.

To sum up then, make sure you're using at least a few betting strategies instead of just the one. Make use of free tipster services, find a ready made portfolio service like my own, or if you have the time you could even research and develop your own strategies to grow your portfolio without any outlays. 

All the best,

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