Subject: Tomorrow's £¼ MILLION Jackpot...

Hi Friend, 

When a Scoop6 jackpot gets to £¼ MILLION, it gets exciting and that's what's happening tomorrow...

Would you like a share with a syndicate which has won the jackpot 5 times since 2019 and has most recently had...

 - 5 winners, 4 times
 - 4 winners and places, 5 times
 - 7 Place Fund wins totalling £20,930

And how about buying a share which also gets you our MAJOR RACE TIPS. Check out their performance HERE - it's very good!...

As usual, the deadline for purchasing shares is 5PM TODAY.

Enjoy your weekend!
Michael & the Lucrative Racing team

p.s. you can download a free guide to placing your side bets HERE, and you can monitor non runners from tomorrow morning HERE.
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