Subject: The Lowdown On Trainer Treasures [& Last Chance To Upgrade]...

I've had some queries after sending the "annual upgrade offer" for your Shortlist membership recently...

Not everyone is familiar with the Trainer Treasures bonus I've decided to include with your upgrade. If that sounds like you, here's a quick breakdown...

Trainer Treasures is a collection of eight profitable trainer angles, which I released in late August for the upcoming NH season...

If for whatever reason you missed this, you can download the PDF manual here.

Due to continued good results and high levels of interest, I decided shortly afterwards to offer this as a tipping service, where you can get the work done for you and access a list of each days qualifiers...

If you'd like to see how Trainer Treasures has performed so far this year, feel free to download our results history here.

I hope that clears up any confusion about Trainer Treasures.

On another note, this email also serves as a final reminder that the annual upgrade offer is only available until midnight tonight.

As I mentioned before, this offer represents a total saving of over 57%, in comparison to what you'd pay on monthly subscriptions over the course of a year...

If that sounds like a worthwhile offer to you, please be sure to upgrade before the day is up...
If you're currently on a quarterly subscription, I sent over a separate email yesterday, with a slightly revised offer...

This is to take into account the three months you've already paid up front. If you're missing this email, please get in touch and i'll re-send the revised offer.

Thanks in advance,
Lucrative Racing

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