Subject: The Betting Roller-Coaster (and how to not fall off!)

Hi Friend,

Today I'd like to discuss a topic that's probably not mentioned enough in the world of betting.

It is of course the infamous winning and losing streaks that occur when using any type of betting strategy or service (except perhaps arbing, which has it's own issues).

I call these up an down periods the Betting Roller-Coaster, but unlike most rides this one doesn't have very good safety harnesses, making it very easy to fall off!

Much like the physical strength it would take to stay on a real roller-coaster with a faulty harness, it takes the same degree of mental strength to stay on ours.

There's two articles on the website I'd like to draw your attention to. The first explains the ideal type of mindset to adopt in order to succeed from betting long term - 

The second article discusses what we perceive as 'luck' as it relates to the betting roller-coaster, and how it can actually do more harm than good if we're not careful - 

I know the readers who have been with us a while will likely have already gone through these articles, but I find a refresher every once in a while helps.

I even have to remind myself of this from time to time, since the mentality aspect of betting is so crucial to our long term success.

All the best,
Lucrative Racing Trust

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