Subject: Results update + Timing of bets

Check out February's results, and my recommendation for timing of bets.
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Hi Friend,

The end of another month, and it's time to see how we did in February. A mixed bag this month - profits for both Place Bet Profits and my free tipping service, but a loss for Lay the Favourite. Here are the stats based on £1000 starting banks:

Place Bet Profits
Bets - 42
Win - 30
Strike rate - 72%
Profit  £114.81
Return 11.48%

Lay The Favourite
Bets - 35
Win - 23
Strike rate - 65.71%
Loss  -£110.26
Return  -11.03%

Free Tips
Bets - 23
Win - 11
Strike rate - 47.83%
Profit £261.70
Return  26.17%

I've also attached the results spreadsheets for each service.

So depending on whether or not we used the extra free tipping service, the month could have either been pretty good or break even (a loss including subscription costs). It's unusual for the free tips to outperform the place and lay services, but it does happen on occasion and this service has been on the up and up over the past few months so it's definately one to follow.

I'm confident that once the poor weather is out the way and with the flat season kicking in very soon the losing bets will thin out and we'll start to see the higher strike rates and consistent profits.

Timing of Bets

This is something I've been keeping an eye on as we go and it seems we are benefitting across the board by taking an early price as opposed to placing our bets near the off or at Betfair SP. We are getting value by taking an early price; with the place bets we find the odds dropping towards the off, and with the lays the prices tend to drift and often go above our odds limit.

As a result I will no longer be recommending the 6% gain plan for our lay bets as it is tailored for use with BSP, and have updated the selections page to advise taking an early price.

Place Bet Profits is a little more tricky as there isn't a great deal of liquidity in the market early in the day. I therefore recommend placing your bets at least 1 hour before race start time to ensure you can get your bets matched, but still get a value price.

Likewise with the free tips, although they have been showing a good profit to BSP recently, I think we can do better by taking an early price - preferably with a Best Odds Guaranteed bookie.

Thanks for reading, and here's to a profitable March!

All the Best,

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