Subject: Our First Big 28/1 Winner [More Inside]...

Did You Miss The Well Deserved Win From Princess Power at 29.88 Betfair SP? ...

Well, that's because you haven't yet took action and become a Racing Challenger...

Not to worry, I still have a handful of challenge entries available at the moment, but I will have to take this down as soon as they are filled...

Now you may be thinking...

That's all well and good, but it's not like you hit 28/1 winners every day, is it? ...

And the honest answer is of course no...

But looking at The Shortlist results so far, we've seen a total of 45 winners at odds of 10/1 or over...

That's roughly seven high priced winners per month, and plenty more than that at lower odds too...

I don't know about you, but I'd much prefer placing small bets with a solid chance of seeing a larger payout...

Than having to place huge bets on the so called sure thing, where your profit is almost always less than the amount staked...

Kind Regards,
Lucrative Racing

P.S You don't need a huge investment to take the challenge; feel free to start with as little as £2 - £5 stakes...

Just remember to adjust your profit target. With £5 stakes, you should be able to clear roughly £600.

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