Subject: How To Be A Perfect Punter [Free Gift Inside]...

Hi again Friend,

As promised, today I'd like to gift you one more excellent resource (if I do say so myself) before re-opening the doors to my coveted Racing Portfolio service tomorrow...

It's a downloadable guide called Perfect Punting, and unlike the topics we've covered so far, this focuses on the bet placement side of things, and covers the best practises to implement for betting success, including...

 - Goal Setting
 - How Much To Invest & Stake
 - Getting The Best Odds
 - Avoiding Restriction
 - Creating A Routine
 - Tracking Your Performance
 - Building Your Portfolio

Plenty of golden nuggets to get stuck into there, regardless of your current level of experience...

Before we wrap up, I've recently been asked a pertinent question...

..."If these strategies and resources are as valuable as you say they are, why are you giving them away for free?"

Well, what I've shared with you so far is indeed some of my best work...I mean, I spent nearly two years creating and testing Hurdle Heroes for you, to make sure it's the real deal and will give you real results.

With that being said, as I've told you from the outset I will be unashamedly offering you a membership to my Racing Portfolio service, starting from tomorrow...

...and hopefully, all the content I've shown you so far has given you a taste of what's in store you for, when you join our long-standing member community.

Knowing that I've given you as much value as I possibly can over the past week, all for free, helps me feel like I'm fulfilling my ultimate mission, which when it comes down to it, is to help betting enthusiasts like you find success.

And, because I believe whole-heartedly in The Racing Portfolio, and what it can do for you, I'll have no qualms doing everything I can to encourage you to join us...

...I hope that's a good enough answer!

Ok, so I'm probably starting to sound like a stuck record, but one final reminder that the doors open at 11am UK Time tomorrow, Halloween.

Not only has It been three years since I last promoted this service...

...but several well respected people in the industry will be helping me promote tomorrow, because they know it's a very well put together service, and have seen the results for themselves.

In short, there's already WAY more interest for this than there are spaces available, so I strongly suggest being on hand when the doors open at 11am, to secure your spot.

Thanks in advance,

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