Subject: Here's The Lowdown On This Weeks Headliner...

This Is Making The Headlines This Week...Find Out Why HERE >>>
There's a new and exciting service on the block, that will no doubt make the headlines this week...

We know and trust the creators, which is the main reason I'm writing to you about it today. But let's take quick dive into the results to see if it's worth giving a whirl...

The proofing spans back to November 2019, and since then it's provided...

 - 288 selections, around 10-15 per week so only a small time commitment is required...

 - A 43.1% Strike Rate, higher than your average service and this will prevent long losing runs...

 - A 36% Return On Investment; again, quite a bit higher than average which means you can invest and wager smaller amounts and still produce good profits...

 - Winners at up to 16/1. With the higher strike rate, you might expect to be betting a low odds only, but that's not the case here.

All in all, the stats make pleasant reading and you can...

With this being a brand new service, they're running a special introductory offer until Saturday only, hence the flurry of emails you'll most likely receive about it this week.

I hope it proves a worthwhile addition to your portfolio!

All the best,
Michael & the Lucrative Racing Team
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