Subject: Grab Your Exclusive 30 Day Free Trial...

The new year is a great time to start testing out new strategies, and get your betting portfolio set up for the coming year...

Using a range of methods and resources gives us the best chance of taking home a substantial profit from our betting in the long run...

To that end, I've just managed to secure you the rare chance to 
test a proven profitable tipping service...

It's not currently available to the general public, so it’s a special deal for Lucrative Racing readers only...

The offer is 30 days completely free access, with no strings attached and no card details to hand over...

I haven't had the chance to give this a trial run myself just yet, but I will be doing so over the coming month...

It's already been reviewed by Geegeez, who concluded:

“Worthy of a place in any tipster portfolio”

To take advantage of this limited offer just use the link below:


All the best,
Lucrative Racing Trust

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