Subject: Grab Your 30 Day Risk Free Trial [Closing Today]...

Would you like to test proven horse racing tips, risk-free for a full 30 days? ...

As a thank you for the huge amount of interest we've received for the 3K Racing Challenge this week, I've decided to shoulder all the risk, and guarantee your satisfaction...

Simply sign up to the challenge before registration closes today, and you'll get a full 30 days to test this out 100% risk free...

Here's how it works...

If you're not in profit within the first 30 days of signing up, and you don't wish to give it more time, we'll happily send you a full refund of the entry fee paid today...

Here's a summary of what's included...

1. The Shortlist - A comprehensive list of runners most likely to give you a substantial profit and return on investment...

2. Current Trends - The shortlist broken down into 28 potential trends, allowing you to narrow down your bets, increase your profit, strike rate, and ROI...

4. Odd Compiler - A course of 5 video tutorials and 3 downloads, where you can learn to compile odds like the bookmaker, and find value bets on demand...

3. Systems Builder - A series of 7 video tutorials, where you can learn how to create your own profitable betting systems, and automate the bet finding process...

All in all, this is by far best set of Horse Racing resources we've ever put together...

And a word of warning...

Over 90% of the avaiable entries have already been snatched up, and registration will close as soon as the remaining spaces are filled...

This will be today...

So if you want the opportunity to earn £3,000+ from your betting within the next 3 months...

And get exclusive access to one of the very best collections of horse racing resources available online right now...

Now is your last, final chance to enter...

I very much look forward to welcoming you on board, and profiting together in the weeks and months to come.

Kind Regards,
Lucrative Racing

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