Subject: Can We Go A Month Without A Single Losing Day?

99% winning days and not one losing day in August!

It's as though I can already hear scoffing noises before I've even pressed the send button. And on face value, I'm inclined to agree...

However, the guys behind this have been around a long time and have a great reputation for putting out profitable strategies (a rare thing!

So I decided to look into this further...   

...And the more I looked, the more the above figures started to make sense. 

The aim of the game here is to finish each day with a profit, and it seems to be working very well.

With over 2 years of proofing readily available to download and scrutinise, my initial doubts were starting to ease. 

And after testing myself over the last few weeks, I have no qualms in saying it's definately worth giving a go.

I've managed to secure you a full weeks trial for a minimal commitment of £1 to test this out for yourself...I can't say fairer than that.

According to the results, members who have stuck by this strategy have enjoyed 604 winnings days out of 611 since August 2015.

That's a daily strike rate of 99%!

I know... How often does that happen? Once in a Blue Moon!

I'm enjoying this one...hope you do too!
Lucrative Racing Trust

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