Subject: Back To The Racecourse Next Week! ...

Great News Friend...

UK prime minister Boris Johnson announced earlier this week that English racecourses will be allowed to start welcoming back limited crowds from next Wednesday...

The new measures state that...

"Up to 4,000 people will be admitted to outdoor sporting venues in the areas of England least affected by Covid-19 in Tier 1, a number which would drop to 2,000 in Tier 2" ...

After what has undeniably been a tough year for Racing (and sport in general), we're finally making some progress back to normality and this calls for a celebration...

We're celebrating by offering you Free Access to not just one, but ALL of our most profitable betting strategies and tips, in the run up to our return to racecourses next week...

Tomorrow, we're heading to Newbury's Winter Carnival so it's the perfect time to give our top-performers a test-run.

All the best!
Michael & the Lucrative Racing Team

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