Subject: A Quick Heads Up About Next Week...

Hi Friend, 

As you know, the National Hunt season is getting into full swing, and thankfully the performance of The Shortlist looks to finally be improving, after what has undoubtedly been a tough summer.

The two new additions to the service, Hurdle Heroes & All Weather Warriors, look to be faring pretty well since we added them last month, and with any luck this will continue throughout the season.

Anyway, aside from thanking you for your ongoing patience during the tough times, the main reason for this email to to give you a heads up about a promotion we're running over the next couple of weeks.

Unfortunately, we did see a number of members say their goodbyes over the summer. Although this was expected, it's a shame as they will miss what is usually our most profitable time of year.

As a result, we will be recruiting some new members towards the end of the month for our current Racing Portfolio, which includes The Shortlist, plus Hurdle Heroes & All Weather Warriors. 

So just to clarify, seeing as your current membership already includes these three strategies, you can simply let the promotion sail over your head...

...and while I'll do my best to not send you any "sales" related emails, a few of our partners are helping with the promotion, so you may receive a few messages about Hurdle Heroes, The Racing Portfolio etc. from them, over the next week or two.

All the best,
Michael Carr
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