Subject: 3,541.81 Level Stakes Profit...Surely Not!?


Another day, and another big claim by the man behind an exciting new piece of betting software that could well be a game changer.

Kieran's new software is nine months in the making, and is based on the selection process he uses for his coveted Morning Value Service.

Chances are you already know about the service, but if not allow me to explain why it's such a big deal...

- It's been successfully running for over 5 years

- It's almost impossible to join, since member spaces are always full

- It's produced a level stakes profit of 3542.81 points, almost 700 points per year

- at £20 stakes, that's an average monthly income of £1,142.84!

The stats may be hard to swallow, but the fact of the matter is it's all proven through independent proofing and a mountain of genuine member testimonials.

Anyway, we're all in luck because the day has finally arrived, and The Value Machine is now live -

The Value Machine is a fully automated piece of software designed to identify value horse racing selections at the click of a button.

It's completely web based, no nothing to download and it can be accessed from any PC, Mac, tablet or smartphone.

Kieran has already had 10,326 people registering an interest for this, but in reality only a tiny portion of these people will be granted access.

So, if you want to get involved, you'll need to move quickly and with purpose - 

All the Best,
Lucrative Racing Trust
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