Subject: +237 Point Flat Flyers | Rollover Scoop6...

We've 2 points of interest to share with you today Friend... 

First up, our Scoop6 syndicate has really been on fire recently with  a jackpot and bonus win on 27 Feb/6 March...

Followed by a strong showing at Cheltenham including 5 winners and a 2nd, then another 5 winners and a 2nd in last Saturday's jackpot bet, plus 3 more Place Fund wins etc etc..

Last Saturday's Scoop6 rolled over and this Saturday's jackpot will be around £150K-£200K...

Second, the flat season kicks off next week and you may remember from our annual performance review that our "Flat Flyers" strategy put in a stellar performance last year...

In fact, if you'd followed the selections during the 2020 flat season (from June when racing resumed in the UK) you'd have collected a whopping +237 points profit! ...

With this in mind, we've decided to launch Flat Flyers as a new service on Thursday 1st April.

If you're interested in giving this a go, be sure to mark this date in your diary as no doubt this will prove a popular one.

In the meantime, enjoy your weekend!
Michael & the Lucrative Racing team

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