Subject: ⭐ Today's Free Tip 🤑 £175,000 Up For Grabs This Weekend...

Hi Friend...

Registration for Saturday's Scoop6 Squad is now open, and it's a Big £151,169 Rollover...

That means we can expect £175,000 Or More in the pot by race-start time, and we're attempting to make this our 10th Scoop6 Jackpot Win...

We've done it nine times before and we're confident our next win can't be far away...

So in other words, NOW is the perfect time to join us...

Get your shares for an excellent chance at sharing in our next Scoop6 win, and to receive ALL our best Saturday selections for your personal betting too...

CLICK HERE To Join The Scoop6 Squad >>>

The more shares we collect, the bigger our stake and the bigger our chance of winning the Scoop6!

An excellent result yesterday for Value Bets members, with an 18/1 (33.04 bsp) win from Cmon Kenny plus a couple of places from 16/1 Shot of Love and our 14/1 free tip Orzo...

Let's see if today's free tip can bag a win - it's in the first at Ludlow with 10/3 generally available...

CLICK HERE To View Today's Tip >>>

Good Luck!
Lucrative Racing