Subject: ⭐️ Today's Free Tip 💰 Cash Prize Draw Winners...

Hi Friend...

Before we get to today's free tip, it's time for us to announce the winners of this month's Cash Prize Draw...

...drum roll please...

Ed Thompson

Jason Bowman
Valerio Lo Monaco
Catherine Corless
Stephen Mcshane
David Young

Congratulations to our winners! If that's you, we will email you shortly to arrange your prize payment.

Missed out this time? Not to worry, we're giving away another round of cash next month and if you have an active subscription to ANY of our premium services, you will be automatically entered.

Ok, back to Lucrative Tips...

We rounded of last week with a nice win from Noble Yeats in the Cleeve Hurdle, so let see if we can make it 2 in a row today...

Today's selection is a 9/1 value-play in the first a Chepstow...

Best of luck!
Lucrative Racing

p.s. cash prize winners are selected randomly using Google's random number generator tool.
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