Subject: Enhanced Search Functionality added to EIM

Dr. Todd Pierce highlights major search changes in EIM
Locus Technologies

Quick Search Tools added to EIM

We have recently expanded search bar functionality for EIM to quickly get the answers you need from your environmental data. If a search term fits several search types, all are returned for the user to review. This functionality will help your organization streamline and simplify reporting.

Locus EIM search types include:

  • Functionality searches: entering a word that appears in a menu or function name will return any matching menu items and functions. For example, searching for ‘regulatory exports’ returns several menu items for creating, managing, and exporting regulatory datasets.

  • Help searches: entering a word or phrase that appears in the EIM help files will return any matching help pages. For example, ‘print a COC’ returns help pages with that exact phrase.

  • Data searches: entering a location, parameter, field parameter, or field sample will return any matching data records linked with that entity. For example, searching for the parameter ‘tritium’ returns linked pages showing parameter information and all field sample results for that parameter. Searching for the location ‘MW-1’ returns linked pages showing all field samples, groundwater levels, field measurements, and field sample results at the location.

Learn more

If your organization is currently using Locus Platform and not Locus EIM, then these updates do not currently apply. If you are interested in learning more about Locus EIM, speak with your Project Manager for a demo.

Thank you, from the Locus Team.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

Locus Technologies