Subject: Want to know how to get your sizzle back?

If your sizzle has fizzled you need to learn how to get it back!


Hasn't this been a stressful year? The year is almost over, yet it appears we haven't seen the worst of it. Let me encourage you to trust God. God is still on the throne. Put your life, your day, your family - in His hands. Don't get trapped in the temptation to worry about getting sick and dying. Practice due diligence in social distancing and wearing your mask. But don't worry yourself to the point that you can't sleep at night. Let go and allow God to protect you and your family. If you or a family member are infected or have been exposed to this dreaded virus trust God to get you though. Don't allow the fear of dying to consume your thoughts. Think about living. Believe you will live. Put your life in God's hands. Know that His promises are true. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Remember that this world is not your final resting place. God has promised us heaven and an earth made new. If you have been confused about God and the hereafter, there is no better time than now to search Him out. If you seek Him you will find Him.

This has been a tough time for marriage. Cooped up in the house together for an extended time with very little outside respite can reveal the true disconnect and distance between you. Too many couples just go on hoping their internal troubles will just go away on their own. Only to find themselves fantasizing being free and maybe even being with someone else. These fantasies will become your reality if you don't address the issues you are facing.

God has equipped me with the ability to help couples address their issues and learn how to repair their relationships. Even after the sizzle has long gone, I've had the privilege to see the spark return and couples to regain their "In Love" feelings. There is no need to suffer in an unfulfilling and maybe miserable marriage when there is help. You can be the next Sizzling Hot Marriage!

On this Sunday at 2PM CST I'm hosting a FREE webinar entitled "How to Get Our Sizzle Back!" All you have to do is register if you would like to attend. I will share my secret formula for how you can get your marriage back on track. I have helped hundreds of couples over the last 20 years as a licensed marriage and family therapist learn how to communicate and restore their sizzle. During this webinar I'll share how couples can experience the 8 levels of intimacy essential for a happy marriage.

Maybe you started working on your marriage but didn't finish the process. This is your opportunity to renew your efforts to restore your marriage. Too many couples come to a few sessions and then for one reason or another quit. Some even go on to say therapy didn't work. Just like the doctor says you must complete the series of antibiotics you have been prescribed to ensure there is no reinfection, is the same with getting treatment for your marriage. You must finish the course to ensure true change has occurred and you don't fall back into your old negative patterns of relating to each other.

I hope you can attend. Click the button below to get registered.




I'm here to help if needed.

Since I lost my first marriage I have been on a mission to save as many as I can. I've helped hundreds of couples learn how to communicate, work through personal issues and reconnect. You can be the next Sizzling Hot Marriage!


Get a copy of my book!

The Sizzle Mindset: Seven Secrets to Keep the Passion Alive in Your Marriage


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