Subject: Is it time to refresh your romance?

Hi Friend, on June 24th @ 6:30 PM CST, I’m starting my Romance Recovery Retreat where I’m teaching my students how to develop a romance plan for their marriage.

By the end of the training,

They’re going to have their romance plan mapped out…

…From “what they will focus on” to “what they will do each month of the year”

And I’ve decided to open up spots for couples to participate for free.

And yes - there will be exercises for couples to do during the retreat!

But here’s the thing Friend,

You are getting training I usually charge for.

That means this training is going to be 100% value.

But that also means that this training is going to be powerful.

So if you want to attend, then you’ll just need to register.

Sound good? Okay cool.

So if you’re interested, I want you to reply to this email with the word “ROMANCE” and I’ll respond with the link to book that interview.

So once you’re done reading this, hit “Reply”, type “ROMANCE”, and hit “Send”.

Easy enough? Okay, GO.


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