Subject: Friend, I felt really bad last week until... ⇒

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Ahh!!! Turn on your images, you're missing everything!
Hi Friend!

Today, I'm sharing a personal story with you to illustrate the inner power you and I both have to dispose of junk that keeps us stuck and move forward with clarity and confidence. Enjoy!

Oh! Turn on your images. You're missing my grandfather.
Last Tuesday I was doing some energy work with myself about a challenge that kept arising. When someone is further along than me in a class, I would feel panicky.

I consciously recall a situation in kindergarten when my teacher Mrs. Vanderburg called my mom in because I wasn't keeping up with the other kids in coloring with crayons. I was being very careful and slow to stay within the lines.

More specifically, I realized the feeling was fear of being so behind that I might end up all by myself = fear of being alone.

So... with energy work, I learned that it was genealogical and zoomed back (it always feels like a roller coaster) until I was looking at my great grandfather when he was in his 30's. I never knew him. He was feeling the same feelings about being left behind.

I saw that he's passed it down to his daughter who passed it down to my mom and on to me. This makes total sense now with my mom always being ridiculously early so that she's never late. She even had me 3 weeks early!

I released it and feel absolutely nothing except, "That's cool. I want to do that," now when people are further along than me. YaY! Score!

Two nights later, I called my grandfather on his 98th birthday and asked him about my great grandfather. He confirmed that his father-in-law was ALWAYS feeling like he wasn't educated enough to keep up with everyone else and was always in a panic!

I'm sharing my grandfather's picture from World War 2.

Ahh!!! Turn on your images, my FACE is supposed to be here!

Kelly Rudolph

Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner
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