Subject: Friend, Ava's story - "If it helps another woman, it's worth it" 💖

Positive Women Rock

It's what my clients say as we write their success stories to share with you. And it always helps many women to see what's possible for them.

My clients say, "If it helps another woman, it's worth it."

Friend, this is the power of guided visualization over the phone (or web call).

It is THE #1 method I use to get my clients exceptional lifetime results quickly.

Here is Ava's story. She attended my $27 workshop in November to test-drive working with me and this is what happened...

From Past Relationship Holding Her Emotionally Hostage To Freedom For Sleep, Confidence, Healthy Boundaries And Healing

Inner Power Energy Work - 6 Hour Program (spread out over 30 days)

I’d looked forward to receiving Kelly’s Positive Women Rock emails for 18 months because they are always positive and encouraging and I always felt better after reading them.

When she offered a one-hour workshop on how to protect myself from energy of negative people and situations, I signed up immediately.

I’d been wondering what it would be like to work with her and the workshop was a perfect way to find out.

When she checked in to thank me for participating, I said, “Working with you is exactly what I need.”

The time-flexibility to accommodate my busy schedule and her willingness to custom design a program to fit my needs and budget was appreciated.

One of the many things I didn’t expect was that we would become fast friends.

That was an extra bonus since healthy adult female friendships can be difficult to find.

Especially with someone who is so on the same page, you finish each other’s sentences.

She kept things light and positive and that really made our work together fun, and I believe even more effective. I love my results!

The life coaching that was wrapped around the energy work to release emotional baggage was often as powerful as the energy work itself.

I was shocked by how a couple sentences could put into perspective what I’d been struggling with for decades. 

I was grateful to work with someone so experienced and knowledgeable to know just what to say and what I needed to learn to turn things around.

The energy work improved how I felt in the morning, which I wasn’t expecting. I had attributed waking up tired to a physical challenge.

But after energy work, I realized that I feel refreshed and peaceful each morning instead of anxious.

There were many positive surprises like this one during my program. Working with the subconscious mind is a whole new level of healing for me.

It was such a relief to learn why people in my life say and do the things they do.

Many things that had baffled me for decades and caused me to fall into conflict with challenging family members when my buttons got pushed. Now… no more buttons.

This released so much undo stress and negative energy. I was carrying all that in my body and it had caused serious physical ailments that puzzled even doctors for many years.

One physical issue was extreme breast tenderness and bruising for 8 months that disappeared during an energy session when I released an old relationship that I thought I’d put behind me.

I experienced why you can never release something completely without going to the storage vault in the subconscious mind to do it.

That new perspective explains why so many other methods are difficult and ineffective.

My interpersonal relationships have greatly improved with all this new understanding and release of all the emotional baggage that had snowballed.

Now, I confidently enforce healthy boundaries and people are responding to me differently. It feels good and strong.

It seemed I’d been wearing a happy face my whole life because I was supposed to.

NOW I feel authentically positive. And I no longer get triggered back to old emotional baggage that kept me stuck. I feel free!

- Ava W., Arizona

Have your ticket yet? You're Invited, Friend!

I'm running my 1-hr (online) Guided Visualizations To Rock Your Results workshop in February!

This skill can positively impact every aspect of your life... forever! Jump in and I'll show you why it works and how to do it in just one hour!

It's $27 before Fri. 10pm PST. Then $37.


Kelly 💖

P.S. Physical ailments, difficulty progressing in your career, toxic relationships, bullies, mental fog, lack of inspiration, troubled relationships, fear, anger, guilt, shame, depression, suicidal tendencies, etc. All signs of snowballed negative emotions stored up in the subconscious mind that clients have released over the phone with me in a few minutes.

P.P.S. Who comes to mind when you think of women you know who are READY to improve their lives? Invite them to the workshop! 🥰 You could be the hero who leads them to their solution!

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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