Subject: You're always right, Friend ♡

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Hi Friend,
One of the many jobs of your subconscious mind is to prove you RIGHT.

Your underlying beliefs automatically tell your subconscious what you want in your life and it looks for ways to make that happen.

Even if you don't consciously want what you believe to be true.

Example #1:

When I got a new car a few years ago. (It was free because I know how to manifest what I want.)

I got new insurance at the same time, with a different company that saved me $500 per year, which seemed too good to be true. 

I was afraid my new car would get scratched in the crowded parking lots in San Diego. 

My energy around the "too good to be true" belief and fear of scratches came together to create a situation that proved me RIGHT.

A week after I got it, my car got a series of huge, deep scratches in a parking lot that went all the way down to the metal. 

...and guess what my deductible was... yep, $500!

My car got scratched and I had to give back the $500 I'd saved. I was RIGHT twice! (being right isn't always pleasant)

Example #2:

Addiction "recovery" programs (I'll use AA as an example) that have you introduce yourself like, "I'm (your name) and I'm an alcoholic," are setting you up for failure. 

Your subconscious mind CAN heal your body and recover fully. 

However, if you are saying "I'm..."  and "I am..." what you no longer want to be and ironically ARE THERE TO RECOVER FROM, you are telling your subconscious mind you want to keep the addiction.

Your subconscious mind responds to those "I'm..." and "I am..." statements with something like this... "Oh, I thought we were done with that but okay, let's keep having those cravings" so it can make you RIGHT.

If it feels uncomfortable to say something, it may be that you need to step out of your comfort zone to grow OR that IT'S THE WRONG THING TO SAY. 

Trust your gut feelings / intuition / red flags first and foremost! That is your subconscious mind tapping you on the shoulder to pay attention. 

Remember, it's #1 job is to protect you. 

Example #3:

My friend's daughter has an emotional junk-ball of feeling "unlovable." 

She pushes her mom's buttons to get a negative fear response then says, "See, I knew you would disapprove. You don't love me!" proving her RIGHT in her own mind.

Her mom loves her dearly, but the daughter is making sure to keep up the negative behavior to feed her underlying belief. 

Does this work in reverse too?

Absolutely, and that's how we create the ongoing good things in our lives. 

We just need to make needed adjustments to those underlying negative beliefs to get more of what we want and less of what we don't.

You ROCK, Friend!
Ahh! I'm smiling at you. Turn on your images!

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner

Questions? Simply reply to this email. 

Over 33 years of extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind.

7486 La Jolla Blvd., #572, La Jolla, CA 92037, United States
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