Subject: Your problems get smaller with THIS, Friend ♡

Positive Women Rock Life Strategy. Manage subscription below.
Ooh! Turn on your images! You're missing Everything.
Turn on your images! I took a flower picture for you today.
Hi Friend,
I took this flower picture for you today at the lake. Flowers are EVERYWHERE since San Diego has had so much rain. We were in a drought for years and now everything is BLOOMING!

Watching social media, you see people talking about, focusing on, and asking everyone else's opinions about their problems. Then other people join in their chain of pain and share their own woes.

You may be one of them...

Truth is, problems get bigger and last longer when you do that.

I wrote an article giving you 5 effective ways to feel better fast instead of those above. Two of my favorites are below and the link to the full article on is right HERE.

2. Get off the field and into the stands

Look at the problem as if you’re in the grandstands at a sporting event and your problem is on the field — small, far away, and detached.

Notice how much clearer it looks from this perspective and how you can see the bigger picture when you’re not in the middle of the chaos.

Feels better already, right? Sometimes what seemed overwhelming looks more manageable from up here in the stands.

3. Take ownership of ONLY what you want to keep

Practice replacing the word “my” with the word “the” when talking about something you don’t want in your life. “The problem,” instead of “my problem.” “The rape,” instead of “my rape.” “The toxic coworker,” instead of, “my toxic coworker.”

Notice how something as simple as switching a word can separate you from the problem, to give you clarity and more peace of mind?

Real-Life Example: A woman’s shelter once hired me to teach self-defense and the residents kept saying “my attacker” and “my rape.”

Your subconscious mind accepts (as the truth) whatever you tell it and creates your identity around it.

If a woman tells herself she has a rapist, even if it was 10 years ago, her identity, mindset and energy will be that of a victim, which unfortunately attracts more attackers.

You ROCK! See ya next week.
Hey! I'm smiling at you. Turn on your images!
I'm Kelly Rudolph and I believe it is completely possible to understand why everything happens!

My clients learn simple tools to do just that. Then they are freed up from unnecessary stress and struggle and become creators of their life on their terms.

My programs are always fun, empowering, and life-changing.

I specialize in getting results, simplifying things, and perspective shifts that make a world of difference!

My clients benefit tremendously from my 33+ years experience in working with the subconscious mind.

Are YOU ready to step up, step forward, and step into YOUR power? Your life is waiting...

Click HERE to apply for your free Clarity Call.

Kelly Rudolph, Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, and NLP Practitioner. Founder of Positive Women Rock.
7486 La Jolla Blvd., #572, La Jolla, CA 92037, United States
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