Subject: Who you truly are, what you want and how to get it is in the palm of your hand, Friend 💖

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

Although this is a made up meme, you get the message. People are sheep.

It's so easy to let something (in this case, an escalator) take us where everyone else is going that we stop taking our own path (stairs) to get where we REALLY want to be... and we may have even stopped believing what we want is possible. 😔


Sheep are good at being sheep. YOU aren't supposed to be a sheep! 🐏

When you do things differently and feel comfortable doing it by tapping into your inner power, EVERYTHING becomes possible, Friend. 🤗

What if YOU could feel clear about what you want and feel confident about how to get it?

What if you could bypass all the sheep and truly step into the woman you are meant to be right now?

It's possible! AND it happens every day here, at Positive Women Rock. 🏆

Working together with me privately (by phone) creates extremely fast and powerful transformations, but not everyone is ready for that (if you are, let me know).

So I make starting on your own simple and reasonable at just $37.

If you were to ask me, "How can I see who I truly am and what I want and know that it's literally in the palm of my hand?" 🤔

My answer would be, "In my favorite guided visualization audio, Bubble Of Inspiration."

It's instant energy coaching at your fingertips 24/7, Friend. 🕓

And 5 more audios come with it to take you through your busy day nourishing your mind and body along the way!

Here's what just ONE of them can do for you...

Audio #3: Bubble Of Inspiration

  • You feel off-track and uncertain about your purpose and want a powerful, positive vision of how important you are the gifts you have to share.

  • When you are feeling uninspired about your life and dragged down by negative people, news or situations, a fresh start feeling worthy, focused and inspired is just what you need.

  • When you are already on a high feeling loved and happy and capable and want an extra boost to stay that way.

Let’s walk through a beautiful meadow together. This one’s my FAVORITE!

You Rock, Friend! 💖


P.S. Would you like to walk through a beautiful meadow, sit on a rock at the beach or enjoy the sunset by a lake to relax during your busy day? You'll be doing these and more with these audios!

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotist and NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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