Subject: Well... that negative floaty thing inspired some questions, Friend 👀

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Hi Friend,

Friday, my email to you included a story about a negative energy floating in a client's garage after a toxic person left some items there.

And that we got it to float on outta there!

I forgot not everyone knows the ridiculously cool stuff we do here at Positive Women Rock and that story inspired some questions...

No, I do not consider myself a psychic or medium or even a healer although my clients heal daily. I simply show them how and guide them.

Here's how things work in my world...

You have 4 bodies and one is your spiritual body. See it sitting on the top in the image I made for you below? 💖

Turn on your images! You're missing an image I made for you in Photoshop!
I've learned that unless you have a spiritual connection to the god of your understanding who created you and always has your back, there will be problems nothing else can fix. 

You may call what you believe in God, Spirit, Universe, Source, or something else... 

Mine is God. He's been my best friend since I was a little girl about nine years old. 

Although my parents grew up in church, I didn't. I did have a little prayer book my mom gave me though. 

I just always knew God was there and have always felt his presence and support and guidance daily my whole life.

Checking out churches when I was 20 and 21 proved I didn't want that. 

What I found that DID make sense and resonated with me was Native American spirituality. 

And I was honored to work one-on-one with a Native American medicine man for 14 years beginning at age 22.

He showed me how to tap into my subconscious mind and power. And that's what I show women how to do at Positive Women Rock. 

No big woowoo thing, just what everyone already has that they aren't using.

I'll simplify it into this:

  1. We were given two minds at birth and only taught how to use one.
  2. I teach women how to use the other one, the one that runs 95-99% of your life. 
When you know how to access your power, you can do things that will blow your mind (pun intended, LOL)!

Several years ago, I found Joel Osteen and he and his powerful, positive and often funny messages are part of my every day. 

Whether you like who or what I like or not doesn't matter. 

In my experience, as long as YOU have a solid spiritual connection that is positive and powerful, you're on the right track. ðŸ’–

My belief is, we were not designed to depend only on other humans. It's far too big of burden to take on or put on someone else. 

Fact is, every client I've worked with one-on-one (over 200) who have not had a spiritual connection, have felt disconnected and uncertain to the point that I only work with women who DO have a solid spiritual connection. 

I can lead the disconnected-feeling or uncertain women who do have a spiritual foundation to feel better within a couple minutes. I can't give them their spiritual connection, nor would I impose mine on them. 

Spirituality is very personal. 

So, back to the negative floaty energy that needed to be released from my clients' home...

Yep. I could see it. She could feel it. And we gently guided it away. 

That kind of thing is pretty normal to me, which may be why I just blurted it out there in my email. LOL

Energy is energy. It's negative or positive. You have the power in your subconscious mind to move it, adjust it, use it, whatever you need to do. ðŸ’–

I'm SUPER excited to see you ROCK your 2020, Friend!  
You ROCK! 
Hey! Turn on your images. I'm smiling at you! :)
Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from over 35 years of extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind. FREE Training Here.

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7486 La Jolla Blvd., #572, La Jolla, CA 92037, United States
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