Subject: Wednesday: Courage & Confidence Phone Call, Friend ☎

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Ahh!!! Turn on your images, you're missing a cool image I made for you...
Hi Friend,
Recently, I've been paying close attention to how different my life is today than before I knew how to instantly access courage and confidence.

This summer, I did something I've wanted to do and struggled to do for two years. I kept falling into doubt and frustration wondering, "Why can't I make it happen?"

(Have you ever wondered why you can't make something happen?)

The fact that I knew what to do and how to do it and it still wasn't working haunted me. I felt embarrassed because I'd told people about it and they would ask how it was going wasn't. What WAS going on? What was I missing? I'd done lots of big things before this...

  1. I jumped out of the first plane I ever flew in at age 18 (by myself, it was before tandem jumps).
  2. After being engaged to a rapist for two and a half years, I created a self-defense company and taught thousands of men, women, teens and kids how to be safe for 12 more years.
  3. Then there was moving to San Diego 10 years ago without income, friends  or a home and having all of that within three weeks.
  4. I used my energy to heal dozens of day and night hot flashes in just six weeks.
  5. I even manifested the new car I wanted without having to pay for it. (I love my car!)

Somehow this was different. I got stuck on this project that just wouldn't materialize... what the heck was the problem? Skills? No. Timing? Maybe.

I knew deep down I could do it but didn't figure out what I was doing wrong ...until this summer. And then it happened. I did it just a few weeks ...after TWO YEARS.

Truth is, there will always be things in our lives that keep us from our greatness, love, passion, dreams and desires if we let them ...and we usually do.

In fact ...most people NEVER realize their dreams or true desires. They never experience their greatness. Or love or being loved as deeply as they are capable of... feel familiar?

So why am I telling you this?

Because YOU deserve to know how to create what you want in your life instead of living by default, which won't ever get you to where you want to go.

Exclusive Invitation

(FREE TRAINING - phone call)

"3 Secrets To ROCK Your Courage & Confidence & Create A Life You Love"

Wednesday, August 19
6pm Pacific | 7pm Mountain | 8pm Central | 9pm Eastern


P. S. What was the project I completed so easily this summer? I share that on the call...
Ahh! Turn on your images! You're missing my face! LOL

Kelly Rudolph
Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner
Questions? Simply reply to this email.
7486 La Jolla Blvd., #572, La Jolla, CA 92037, United States
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