Subject: Waking up overwhelmed with fear of letting people down hurts, Friend Elizabeth's story 💖

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

Some of the things you think are small, little nagging issues or negative feelings grow, over time, into what can sabotage your health and destroy what you love most... or your future...things you haven't even gotten to experience yet.

This was happening to client Elizabeth. Here are some excerpts from her story...

From Waking Up With Dread and Overwhelm to Energy and Excitement About Life

She'd done "all the things" but still felt bad

I was waking up feeling overwhelmed with my to-do list. Or I’d look at my calendar and instead of feeling excited about things I loved, like an upcoming trip or friend get-together or work event, I felt dread that I wouldn’t have the energy for them and would let people down.

Even though I had done a lot of personal development and health work I was feeling drained and exhausted. I knew that my physical health self-care was in ship-shape but still felt fatigued consistently.

There was a sense this fatigue was coming from an emotional place and that’s why I connected with Kelly.

She LOVED the energy tools she learned!

When a situation or a person or task would normally have been draining, or a bit overwhelming, in just 5 to 30 seconds, I could protect my energy, or come up with a clear next step, or feel better. That was such a game-changer!

Things that normally might have made me feel exhausted for the rest of the day or really messed with my schedule were instead just like a tiny little blip. I could use one of these tools and get right back on track.

Magic correct decisions every time technique

Kelly even taught me how to make correct decisions every time. I use this one for everything and it's always right! What a confidence-builder!

Light, fun conversations to release the heaviest emotional baggage

None of it was heavy or uncomfortable and I also felt like I just got to show up. Kelly was so helpful in guiding the process, she took care of the rest.

Even though we were releasing heavy, deep-rooted things, I never had to re-experience those heavy emotions. I could feel the weight lifted from me immediately and I loved the process so much!

Results ALWAYS begin on Day 1

The shifts I was experiencing started from the very first day. Using the tools right away, and often, throughout the whole month I got to see real-time results. I’m so grateful to have these tools at my disposal, and I’ll have them for the rest of my life.

Now I wake up feeling way less overwhelmed and anxious. And instead feel I can look ahead to today, to next week and to next month with confidence and excitement. And I no longer spend so much time feeling worried about my energy levels and if I’ll have what it takes to get things done.

She was uncertain before doing this work

I didn’t know what to expect. And I bet a lot of people feel that way. I was a little bit worried, wondering, “will this work for me” and “will I be able to go back and release emotional hang-ups, these pieces of emotional baggage”?

Thrilled with her results

And now on the other side, just 30 days later, I’m so glad that I took that risk, that leap because the process was so fun and I get to go through the rest of my life without that emotional weight. Those things are gone for good including the ones that were making me tired and fatigued every single day! And that’s so powerful. - Elizabeth L., Tennessee

Want to check out the program Elizabeth and I did together? It's called Inner Power Access.

If you have questions or concerns REPLY TO THIS EMAIL and we'll jump on the phone to see if it's a good fit for you. I ONLY work with "good fits" for my programs.

You Rock! 💖


P.S. Holding onto the past can poison your present and limit your future. Letting it go clears the space for the good things you want! 😊

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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