Subject: To-do list bogging you down? Here's how to turn it into your Ta-Da! list, Friend It's time. 🤗

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

You have much more power in your life than you realize, Friend. And there's a simple, quick and effective way to tap into it. 🤗

It's easy to accumulate so many to-do's that our plate gets full and with limited time, it feels overwhelming and frustrating... like we're doing something wrong.

You talk with others and they are in the same boat (that's sinking). 😑

In fact, you know someone (or you might be this person) who smiles and laughs and posts fun pics on social media like they feel great and have an ideal life...

when in reality, they are drained, discouraged, get sick often, unsure if they'll EVER catch up and feel in charge of their life again. 🤔

From my experience, accomplishing things is a necessity for NOW rather than a luxury for later. And simple, quick and effective ways to do it are at your fingertips.

It isn't just more time we need. We can clear our full plates FAST when we have what we REALLY need.

You may need more confidence or a new perspective before having an uncomfortable conversation that's been weighing on your mind or causing sleepless nights or illness.

The courage you need to create your new business or magnetize your ideal new friend or relationship... or go to that event, or to say "No" to that person once and for all... can be at your fingertips.

Maybe you need encouragement and a nudge to finish a project that has been on your to-do list for months (or even years). And someone who understands (I DO!) to celebrate with you afterwards. 🤗

Imagine Friend,

  • What if you wake up each day and the things you've been dreading are suddenly easier? And before you know it, they're DONE! 👍 How does that feel? Would your confidence grow?

  • What if you haven't felt a clear direction for your day, year or life for a while and now you do? Just imagine what that feels like. How would your physical posture shift? Would you sit straighter, stand taller, walk faster?

  • What if you've had too many things on your plate for too long and now feel drained and uninspired? What if suddenly there are fewer things to do and fun, exciting ways to get them done? How does it feel in your imagination to feel that success and peacefulness? Are you finally ready to turn your to-do list into your Ta-Da! list?

What do YOU want to accomplish to feel really good about yourself?

What would take a load off of your mind so you can sleep better, feel better, heal faster, laugh more?

What would you like to do and learn by mid-May THAT YOU CAN USE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE to stay at the top of your game and feel in charge of your life?

Women often accomplish more in 6 weeks in this program than they have in a year or more, including personal growth!

It's set up so that every element simplifies your life and makes you more powerful.

This is you and me working together privately, both of us 100% focused on YOUR results. Because you deserve my full attention. ❤️

Jump in or reply to this email and we'll talk to determine if it's a good fit for you. 🙂

You Rock, Friend! 💖


P.S. You deserve to be in the driver's seat of your life instead of the passenger seat, wondering where you'll end up.

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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