Subject: This way of helping someone feel better may truly surprise you, Friend 💖

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

There are powerful ways to get yourself feeling better fast so your energy magnetizes positive things into your life rather than negative ones.

But how can you help someone you care about who is feeling bad, down, angry, anxious or depressed feel better so they can do the same?

If you haven't noticed yet, we do things differently here at Positive Women Rock so my answer may surprise you. AND IT WORKS. ❤️

Energy is highly contagious! You've been in a room before where a happy person came in and it felt like sunshine. And you've been somewhere when a negative person walked in and it felt like a dark cloud took over.

The most powerful thing you can do to help someone else feel better is to take charge of YOUR energy - meaning YOUR EMOTIONS. ⚡

YOUR positive energy (from your positive feelings) will boost the energy of those around you.

It may be instant or it may take a while. Stick with it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: if you are feeling bad for someone else, YOUR negative emotional energy combines with theirs and makes them worse!

It isn't your fault, it's just how it works. 😕

It's the combination of two universal laws: the law of vibration and the law of cause and effect.

You can't change those laws but you can empower yourself by putting them to work for you. 😉

So, how to keep YOURSELF feeling positive so you can be happy, heal faster and have good things in your life while helping your loved ones feel better too? 🤔

Instant energy coaching at your fingertips 24/7. 🕓

SIX audios to take you through your busy day nourishing your mind and body along the way...

Here's what just ONE of them can do for you...

Audio #1: Wake Up Powerful Day

  • The morning after a sleepless night when you wonder how you’ll make it through the day and want a fresh start and energy boost.

  • When you wake up dreading the day or feeling panic due to a difficult situation or conversation and want to relax and feel safe and strong.

  • When you wake feeling great and want an extra shot of positive energy and focus on your importance in the world and the values that keep you strong.

Start your day with me to feel supported and empowered!

You Rock, Friend! 💖


P.S. Would you like to walk through a beautiful meadow, sit on a rock at the beach or enjoy the sunset by a lake to relax during your busy day? You'll be doing these and more with these audios!

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotist and NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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