Subject: This way, feeling relaxed and empowered can happen in just a few minutes, Friend 😊

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

Hey, ya know what? I'm going show you how what seems like it could take forever is much faster and easier than you think.

Tired, stressed, off track, angry, fearful, lost, frustrated, overwhelmed? You need to adjust your energy... FAST.

Feeling relaxed and empowered can happen in a few minutes... when you do it right. And I'm here to guide to doing it right.

Here's how and why it works (it's quantum physics)

With positive emotions like happy, joy, love, confident, compassion, etc., everything looks brighter, healthier, more doable. 🤗 By default, YOU energetically magnetize more positive people and situations into your life!

When your emotions are negative (fear, anger, anxiety, stress, sadness...) things can seem dim, dark, useless, sick and impossible. 😥 And THIS is where a LOT of people are stuck right now - automatically magnetizing more negative people and situations into their lives (a vicious cycle).

But YOU can feel different - better, lighter, happier, optimistic much sooner and easier than you think!

A quick fix to get you feeling better relaxes and empowers you long-term because of the energy and results those positive emotions create. 💜

These guided visualizations I've created are exceptional because they have EVERY SINGLE WORD in a specific place for maximum positive impact in your subconscious mind. 

Tired, stressed, off track, angry, fearful, lost, frustrated, overwhelmed? You need to adjust your energy... FAST.

SIX audios to take you through your busy day nourishing your mind and body along the way...

  1. Wake Up, Powerful Day

  2. Taking Inspired Action

  3. Bubble Of Inspiration

  4. Afternoon Energizer

  5. Releasing Negative Emotions From The Day

  6. Peaceful Sleep

You Rock, Friend! ðŸ’–


P.S. Would you like to walk through a beautiful meadow, sit on a rock at the beach or enjoy the sunset by a lake to relax during your busy day? You'll be doing these and more with these audios!

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotist and NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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