Subject: Things can be different from last time at any moment... let them be different now, Friend 💖

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

It's super easy to live in the past, even if we aren't meaning to. 🙃

I have recreated the past so many times in my life when I was wanting a new, fresh start. How about you, Friend?

From relationships tainted by previous relationship issues to friendships that just seemed too similar to one I was hurt by in the past. 😕

It can be as quick and simple as someone who says something or looks to someone you had a bad experience with. Those red flags (your intuition) pops up to say, "NOOOO".

You feel like steering clear of those people but they could be completely different and here we are missing out on a great experience that could improve our life! 😉

Your memories and experiences are what guide your thoughts for today, which is normal... but there's something you need to pay attention to...

The more you focus on the past, the more you get the same things in your life.

Same kind of people.

Same kind of opportunities or lack thereof.

Same expectations, experiences and more of the same thoughts...

and the cycle continues.

Kinda hard to have a new wonderful life and new improved version of you that way, isn't it? 🤔

If you aren't working with me yet to save the good stuff and delete the junk (for good), simply pay attention to what you think most about during the day and when you are making decisions.

Anything can change and be different at any time. LET IT BE DIFFERENT THIS TIME.

No need to repeat the past. We just do it out of habit by default. We're human. 🙂

Here's an article I wrote about our pasts: Your Past Doesn’t Define You, It Tells Your Story Of Strength

You Rock! 💖


P.S. 1-hour online workshops coming up. I'll send you an update and invite soon!

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

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