Subject: The tape that holds you together makes you stronger, Friend 🦋

Positive Women Rock
Turn on your images! You're missing things...

Hi Friend,

Feeling valuable and worthy dramatically affects your physical health, immunity and resilience. I want to share a story with you...

No one who loved her would hurt her if she hadn't done something to deserve it, she thought.

The accusations were horrendous and changed her behavior, even when he wasn't around, causing her to withdraw.

She stopped looking people in the eye because he'd convinced her that if she looked a man in the eye, even during normal conversation, it meant she wanted to sleep with him.

Nothing she said could convinced him otherwise and he said it so often she started to believe it. So she stopped looking anyone in the eye for fear it would be taken wrong.

Her common sense seemed to step aside as she was ruled by the control he had over her.

Two and a half years seemed like an eternity of catering to someone who required her full attention to the detriment of her business and family and friendships.

His threats kept her quiet, suffering in silence day after day feeling isolated and scared knowing there had to be a way to escape but confused about how without him carrying out his threats against her family.

One day, they had an appointment to see the therapist at his university. He wanted someone of authority to tell her she should be grateful for his love and cater to his every whim and stop resisting.

But he was late. This seemed like the miracle she'd been waiting for!

It would only take a few minutes to alert the therapist of frequent rape and domestic violence.

Surely, this was the person who could help her quietly escape, tell her what to do, who to call, where to go, and how to keep him from carrying out his threat to hurt her parents if she told anyone.

Freedom was within reach after two dangerous years living in fear. The feeling of excitement was overwhelming, and she instantly felt a twinge of who she used to be emerging!

But to her horror, the therapist was anything but an ally. In fact, she was about to cost her her life!

Seemingly, without any knowledge of the psychology of abuse, the therapist said she had to call the police and report him and that he would be arrested!

Apparently, she'd never seen first-hand the vengeance that played out on victims when the abuser left jail in a few short hours after being arrested like the mortified person who sat in front of her had, having been a paramedic years before.

This nightmare was worse than the one she'd been living! How could this be? What had she done?

She knew the most dangerous time for a domestic violence victim is when the situation is made public.

And arrest is definitely public!

She pleaded with the therapist to help her and leave the police out of it because that would put her life at risk!

The therapist wouldn't budge so she ran out of the office terrified after just 10 minutes.

I can't recall what I did next. I just remember the heart-stopping fear and feeling of betrayal, wondering how I would know when he got arrested and where I would hide when he got out of jail and not knowing how to protect my parents.

Yep. She was me.

Ultimately, my workplace (which was also his) and many people helped me escape. That was 28 years ago.

Friend, your value and worthiness has nothing to do with what someone else says or does to you.

Even a $20 bill is still worth $20 when taped back together.

Sometimes, we just need to be taped back together.

And that taped part is much stronger than it was before.

So what if you end up covered in tape? Think how strong you'll be then?

Consider me tape.

Are you made for more? Do you want something different?

Do you want to feel good about yourself and know how to feel vibrant, healthy and happy, no matter what's happened in your past?

It's completely possible. Read Success Stories from women just like you here.


Kelly 💖

P.S. You deserve to be a success story. And you're totally worth it!

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

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