Subject: Thank goodness these 3 defied doctors' dismal predictions and low expectations, Friend 🤗

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

Odd thing happened as I posted positive, optimistic and exciting news on Facebook the other day... a "hater" showed up!

His exact words were, "You’re hurting people in ways you can’t imagine."

I was sharing my suggestion to look beyond dismal, negative or limited predictions and expectations a doctor may deliver about your health and/or life.

Here is a summary of my 3 posts:

  • American Ninja Warrior 1 Million dollar winner (only the 3rd since 2009) this year was 18 year Vance Walker who was born with cerebral palsy and was told by doctors he would never walk without leg braces and would never play sports.

  • A woman, Sheri Johnson, born with a backwards heart who doctors said would not live into adulthood, is 56 today and doing well.

  • Doctors gave Dodie Osteen (Pastor Joel Osteen's mother) just 3 weeks to live with metastatic liver cancer 43 YEARS AGO. She turns 90 next month!

Doctors are great. Doctors are human. Doctors can be wrong.

Friend, when you have a spiritual connection to your creator, God, Spirit, Universe, or whatever/whoever that is for you, you have access to options, unseen opportunities, solutions no one else knows about, miracles, divine healing, or maybe a different kind of doctor who sees more possibilities for you. 

Stand up for yourself.

Advocate for yourself.

Trust yourself to know what's right for you.

Value yourself enough to find other options if something doesn't feel like a "YES!" to you.

It's YOUR life! Stop letting other people tell you how it's going to go.

And if you need help or guidance advocating for yourself, reply to this email. That's what I do.

You Rock! 💖


P.S. Holding onto the past can poison your present and limit your future. Letting it go clears the space for the good things you want! 😊

P.P.S. Releasing emotional baggage over the phone in minutes feels like a huge sigh of relief, freedom, lightness, a giant weight lifted off your shoulders. The absence of those emotions in the future feels... PRICELESS.

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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