Subject: Surprising solution to hormone imbalances - which are way too common these days, Friend 💖

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

Hi Friend,

I'm seeing and hearing about SO many women having terrible symptoms from hormone challenges lately! 🦋

Are you noticing that? Or experiencing it yourself?

Symptoms can seem endless. They can keep you from so many things: enjoying or even wanting to go to get-togethers, sleeping, feeling good enough to be fully present for your loved ones. 😢

They can cause lack of focus at work, embarrassment in public (I used to break out in full body sweats), make your body not feel like your own anymore and cause anxiety, depression, anger and hopelessness. 😔

You need to know you have healing options.

Two of my clients are struggling with hormone imbalances, LOTS OF SYMPTOMS, and prescriptions from doctors that didn't work. 😕

We want to heal the CAUSE of the issue so the symptoms will go away. 🤓

There is an emotional cause for every physical effect.

We went to find and release the emotional cause for my clients' hormone issues.

One client's emotional cause was lack of self-love. 💔

The other client's emotional cause was loneliness. 😢

See how we may have same or similar challenges but we are very DIFFERENT in the emotions we need to release to heal our body?

And you know what?

The emotions that caused my clients' hormone issues weren't even theirs! 😲


They were passed down from ancestors and gained size and strength like a huge snowball rolling downhill. 

They kept getting triggered when my clients would have even the smallest amount of the same emotion. And over decades, those emotions caused the symptoms in the physical body. 🤨

Fortunately, they can all be released and cleared out in minutes instead of the decades it took to create them! ðŸ¤—

Then there's nothing to get triggered and nothing to create symptoms.

There are usually a few other snowballs (we call them emotional junkballs 😄) to release to heal completely. AND I want you to know, healing completely is absolutely possible!

Both these women are on their way to healing hormone issues 🥳 just like I healed mine (hemorrhaging, then years later 6 weeks of back-to-back hot flashes).

Everything in your life, good or bad, is connected to your underlying energy. The energy you may not even know is there. You need to know where it is, how to access it and clean it out to have a self-healing body again.

If healing YOUR body, relationships, past trauma, family dynamic, workplace stress, career, and anything else in your life is now a priority... reply to this email 🤗 and watch your inbox because I respond quickly. 💌

Positive Women Rock success stories are long because YOU deserve to know the beginning, middle and end. Scroll through to find what's similar to what you'd like to heal... Success Stories Here

You Rock! 💖


P.S. If only having 2 1/2 months left in 2022 causes anxiety, frustration or icky feelings... OR a gung-ho feeling, where you want to supercharge the rest of your year, I'll have something to help you with that in a bit. Stay tuned. 😉

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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