Subject: Sunday scaries got you dreading the week? It's okay, I got your back, Friend. Open up... 💌

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A new week is coming... are you familiar with the Sunday scaries? That anxious feeling late Sunday about the week ahead? 😧

Your responsibilities, family or business obligations, medical appointment, work, coworkers, unfinished project, presentation, or uncertain chat with your boss or partner pop into your head.

The weekend is over.

Much of the anxiety may be centered around other people.

People stress is the worst, isn't it?

You can feel powerless to do anything about certain types of people in your life. 😑

For example, is there someone at work or home (or at the doctor's office like Ava's story I shared with you 10 days ago) who is part of your week ahead that causes that pit in the bottom of your stomach feeling? 🙄

Maybe there's someone who never seems to get the point you're trying to make.

You either get frustrated and which causes other negative stuff to happen or you just shut down because it feels useless? 😔

If they are part of your upcoming week, they can easily add to the Sunday scaries.

What about that person who seems arrogant or narcissistic because they just don't listen?

You feel unfairly treated and your boundaries get ignored.

Wouldn't it be fun to use those same people (yes, I said "use" 😄) as players in a game you get to win on your own terms?

⭐ Suddenly, they get your point.

Surprisingly, they are actually nice when you use different words with them.

Astonishingly, your boundaries are now respected. And it's likely that other women will ask how you did that. 😉

As an added bonus, people will understand your expectations and strive to meet them, even if they don't like you (although we know you're spectacular! 😊).

I'll teach you the game and we'll practice and play in my 1-hr live online workshop.

You can even bring me a difficult situation or conversation in your life and I'll show you how to handle it with the new word power you'll have. 🤓 (Totally worth the price of admission right there!)

I predict the Sunday scaries will diminish or evaporate. Let's do this!


Kelly 💖

P.S. Friend, who do you know who needs a fun game like this in their life so they feel heard, respected and happy? Invite them! 😊

P.P.S. If you purchased a ticket for this one last year, this new workshop is included with your ticket. Just reply to this email and let me know you'd like to come. 🤗

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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