Subject: Stop taking off-ramps when you should be on the freeway Kelly 💖 + Kobe quote

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Ooh! Turn on your images! You're missing Everything.
Brilliant little girl! Turn on your images!
Growing up, when my family went on road trips, my dad drove us straight to our destination so we could get there as soon as possible to enjoy it. 

My grandfather on my mom's side stopped at every little town and rest stop along the way on his road trips.

Like my dad (who turned a healthy 82 this past Monday!), and the little girl in this gif, I like to get where I'm going quickly.

If there is a shortcut that empowers me, I'm THERE.

And you know what, Friend?

It seems that whether you stay on the freeway or stop to explore along the way, you will get where you're going, 


Because it depends on your destination.

If you're on vacation with plenty of time to explore, stopping at every little town can be the very best part of your trip.

But when you want to:

love your body, 

feel safe and cherished in your relationships, 

enjoy meaningful work that feeds your soul, 

and have empowering friendships you can always depend on... 

Every time you take an off-ramp that doesn't get you there, self-doubt sneaks in (like a steamroller!)... 

and your confidence moves further and further away until it feels completely out of reach.

  • Kobe Quote: "Trust me, setting things up right from the beginning will avoid a ton of tears and heartache…" — Kobe Bryant

Although there are numerous time-wasting, failure-inducing (tears and heartache) off-ramps, here are just a few my clients have experienced:

Destructive Off-Ramp #1: 
A coach who only coaches in their own personality style and yours is different so what they suggest feels uncomfortable and you either don't do it at all or it doesn't work leaving you feeling disappointed, taken advantage of, and down on yourself.

Destructive Off-Ramp #2:
When diets, difficult workouts and unsustainable lifestyle suggestions create stress and frustration and you become more UNhealthy because those negative emotions perpetuate disappointment, self-doubt, worry, and fear that you'll never have the health you want.

Destructive Off-Ramp #3:
Therapists who tell you talking about your problems will solve them (it actually makes them bigger even while you're feeling temporary relief), or they take you into hypnosis to re-live and re-feel painful events (re-traumatizes you and completely unnecessary. NO ONE who truly understands the subconscious mind does this).

STOP taking off-ramps that give your power away when you should be on the freeway! 

I'm already in the driver's seat and I just swung your passenger door open... 

Truth is, my Super Power is understanding the subconscious mind and quickly determining what will work for YOU. 

That's why my clients get such FAST, sustainable results.

True Story #1:

Three days ago, a client who has toxic coworkers, an unqualified-to-be-the-boss boss and unfair work conditions was frustrated when she didn't hear back about new jobs she'd applied for like she was told she would. 

She was frustrated, felt a lack of control of her life and livelihood, and angry as some even blocked her from jobs she was promised.

We did some quick text-coaching and shifting her energy made all the difference.

She found a way around a disorganized recruiter to get right to the person she needed to reach. 

She's powerfully creating the results she wants by being on the freeway to get where she's going ASAP.

True Story #2:

Another amazing client was let go after 14 years of loyal service to a toxic employer (certainty kept her in the abusive environment, have you been there?). 

She has been interviewing for the past 4 months without hearing back from potential employers as promised (a new unprofessional trend? Talk about dis-empowering!).

She was DONE. Frustrated, distraught, scared, uncertain... and with two kids to support!

A quick text-coaching session two days ago brought her energy to a whole new level and she was able to stand in her power!

She did what I encouraged her to do and yesterday she was offered TWO premium positions and SHE gets to choose which one SHE wants!

Do you see how working with me - someone who gets it, gets you, and gets to the point quickly (by understanding the subconscious mind) - can change your life in an instant? EVEN IN A TEXT?

There's no time to waste taking random off-ramps if you truly want to own your life, Friend.

Now is your time!

Whether you want a whole-life makeover working directly with me one-on-one for 30 days around your schedule (Inner Power Breakthrough),

A lightweight one-on-one coaching program with a one-page game plan, coaching calls and my guidance literally at your fingertips (Powerful Completions 2020), 

Or a couple hours of in-depth one-on-one coaching or energy work to get you moving in the right direction with the right energy to get what you want (Clarity And Confidence Jump-Start), 

Let's get you on the freeway to your destination of feeling powerful in your own life, success and happiness. 

Reply to this email right now if you are ready. Let's talk...
You ROCK! 
Hey! Turn on your images. I'm smiling at you! :)
Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from over 35 years of extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind. FREE Training Here.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.
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7486 La Jolla Blvd., #572, La Jolla, CA 92037, United States
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