Subject: She went from slave to empowered, Friend ♡

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Hi Friend,

Have you ever felt unworthy of what you truly want?

It doesn't logically make sense because you know you are valuable...

you've created some great things in your life

but the negative feeling persists... and you just don't seem to be able to create a life you love...

and the fact that it's related to unworthiness is hidden... in your subconscious mind.

It sabotages your:
  • relationships
  • family dynamics
  • promotions at work, or your business
  • your income level
  • physical, mental, and spiritual health
  • and every other part of your life

It causes:
  • communication challenges 
  • broken relationships
  • toxic friendships
  • sleepless nights
  • weight gain
  • physical illness
  • dread about your future
  • fear
  • anger
  • and other negative emotions and circumstances

You may read books, watch videos, hire coaches, or go to therapy... but nothing works long-term.

And that failure makes you feel even even more upset and distraught.

I did energy work with a client this week who had a self-sabotaging inner program of "worthless" running in the background.

My experience is that all women have worthiness issues at some point and usually their entire lives.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

The biggest event that led to my client's worthiness issue was found three lifetimes back (you don't have to believe in past lives to release what keeps you stuck).

She saw herself as a slave. She had gotten hurt and literally wasn't worth anything to anyone anymore... and was left for dead.

This old, outdated inner program had played in the background throughout her entire life (in fact, more than one).

The entire release process took about 8 minutes.

There wasn't any pain or re-living the horror involved.

Afterward, we discussed many instances she remembered that she had never connected to feeling unworthy but now it was blatantly clear!

Now it all makes sense. And it is GONE.

This is just ONE emotion of the TWENTY she has released in my 30-day Inner Power Breakthrough program!

Friend, IMAGINE how powerful your life can be when you release all of the negative programs you have running in the background and are finally able to truly stand in your power!

It would allow you to create a life you LOVE, with fulfilling, loving relationships, deeply connected friendships, good health, a body you love, and meaningful work and play that feeds your soul!

It's time for YOU to become the woman you're meant to be, Friend, to get the life, love, and future you're meant to have.

If you, or a woman you know is truly ready for a fresh start with a clear head and an open heart, we begin with a Free Clarity Call to see if we are a good fit to work together.


Hey! I'm smiling at you. Turn on your images!

Kelly Rudolph

Certified: Life Coach, Hypnotherapist & NLP Practitioner
Questions? Simply reply to this email.

Ready to dump stuck and stressed for clear and confident? Apply for a Free Clarity Call.
7486 La Jolla Blvd., #572, La Jolla, CA 92037, United States
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