Subject: She said she hasn't felt this good in 2 years... thanks to a simple perspective shift, Friend! 🤗

Positive Women Rock
Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

Hi Friend,

I met the most amazing woman at a party the other night. I'd say she is a hero after getting to know more about her.

We got to chatting as her husband and kids were visiting with other guests.

A client who'd healed her heart problem with me had introduced us and I soon knew why.

This woman looked and acted like any other positive minded woman in the room.

You wouldn't have known there was anything different about her at all.

As we got to talking, I learned that she has several major debilitating illnesses including more than one autoimmune disease and constant vertigo.

More shocking was that she'd been sick for almost 30 years!

She'd married, raised two great kids, and worked until she no longer could.

I SO wanted to help her even though she was convinced hypnosis or anything similar wouldn't work for her and my healing method is energy work and guided visualization.

She'd "tried" for 3 years to do something my clients do in a few minutes and she hadn't had success.

It seemed I couldn't help her in my usual way but...

I couldn't get her off my mind.

I could only imagine feeling defeated, depressed and distraught if I were in her shoes... and I certainly wouldn't be as upbeat as she was!

After everything she'd been through, she was still open to the idea of a possible solution... asking, seeking, researching on her own behalf...

The next day, my intuition told me I could help her with some symptoms but that she wasn't in a place for the kind of healing my clients experience.

We jumped on the phone so I could test her to find out what she was capable of and she was right, she wasn't able to do subconscious mind work.

Without knowing her spiritual beliefs, I asked if she was a praying person and she said, "Yes! I pray all the time!"

"Okay," I replied, "THAT we can work with!"

I was thrilled!

Clearly, she needed a new way to pray that was actually going to work.

She needed a new perspective.

She needed to see herself from my perspective.

It is so clear to me that no one's destiny is to live in constant pain and suffering as she was.

I could see her life purpose yet to be lived.

I could see her freedom from pain and the dizziness from too many health issues swirling around her... more than one person is meant to handle.

I could see that it was right around the corner...

if she was willing to adopt my perspective and let her old, outdated, ragged one go.

I could see her guiding women just like her to solutions and sharing what she'd learned about how quickly things can turn around... even after decades of suffering!

I saw it all so clearly.

She was convinced she couldn't do subconscious work so my only shot was adjusting one thing she was already doing that she believed in.

I told her how to pray differently...

This is the text I received from her the following day...

Very important success story text for you to read.

Perspective-shifting is one of my specialties.

It is the quickest, most powerful way to raise your energetic vibration from negative to positive.

THEN the right people will be drawn to you and the right circumstances will present themselves to you.

But you MUST flow your energy correctly for that to happen.

Otherwise, you just magnetize more what you don't want over and over and over, for a lifetime.

From my perspective, I see what's possible for you.

Things that you've lost sight of through the busyness of living and daily stress and responsibilities.

Or things you never knew were your birthright, or that you've already earned and never collected on.

Remember, Friend…

One new idea or a fresh perspective changes EVERYTHING!

I'm here for you.


Kelly 💖

P.S. I have a few spots open in Rockin' 2021, a 6-week private coaching program (just you and me completely focused on YOU). You can be feeling better by later today! 🦋 It's time to choose YOU.

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rockâ„¢
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthroughâ„¢
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

Questions? Simply reply to this email.

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