Subject: Self-sabotage is keeping you from what you want, Friend... here's why it isn't your fault 💖

Turn on your images! Positive Women Rock

Everyone I know, including the most successful, have sabotaged themselves at one, several, or all steps to getting to where they are now... including me.

We can sabotage ourselves faster than anyone or anything else can, Friend. 😕

Self-sabotage is good at hiding itself from you so you don't realize it's YOU keeping yourself stuck. 🤨

And sometimes you may know what you're doing but you lack the motivation to change it.

It's common that the fear that shows up when you visualize yourself moving forward can feel like too much and even though miserable, it feels safer to stay put.

But that sets you up for failure, heartache, disaster, illness, injuries, car accidents, financial problems, poor health, workplace drama, broken dreams, friendship breakups, etc.

When oftentimes, it's a small adjustment that gets you right back on the right track again.

A couple days after our first energy work together, Laura V. asked me why she was craving salads instead of sweets, as she usually did.

She even had just a few bites of her birthday cake and felt perfectly satisfied.

She shared that previously, she probably would have eaten the entire cake herself.

What we did was take a few minutes to safely release self-sabotage and a worthiness issue from deep within her subconscious mind.

With that emotional baggage gone for good, she no longer needs to self-medicate and set herself up for failure and self-loathing because she feels good about herself! 🤗

There are real reasons for self-sabotage Friend... it's never accidental... and it isn't your fault.

It's a protection technique your subconscious mind uses that goes too far and messes you up.

You just need to tap into your subconscious and switch it from sabotaging to supporting you.



Since we safely work with the subconscious mind in Positive Women Rock, you have access to the very thing that can help you turn things around when they aren't the way you want.

I'll be running my From Self-Sabotage To Rockin' Results Workshop this month, where YOU can gain awareness and clarity about your sticking point so we can get you unstuck. 🤗

Registration opens SOON so keep an eye on your inbox.

You Rock! 💖


P.S. My workshops are small groups of women so you'll get plenty of personal coaching and attention. 🥰 ...and we laugh a lot. 😄

Kelly Rudolph
Founder & CEO of Positive Women Rock™
Creator of the Inner Power Breakthrough™
Certified Life Coach, Hypnotist, NLP Practitioner

You benefit from my extensive training, powerful experience, and consistently high results working with energy and the subconscious mind since 1984.

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